Top tips for a greener Christmas - Part 2

Adele Lidderdale

Every penny we spend supports the type of world we want to create. Here at Eco Orkney we love to share our tips on how to make your festivities friendlier to our shared home.


Cut food waste 

No one likes food waste. We know that producing food leads to deforestation and that any food that goes in the bin contributes to methane emissions. It seems ludicrous to waste food when there are millions going without. Try to cut any waste by planning ahead - be realistic about how much food you need and use up leftovers. Instead of clingfilm, use Tupperware, stainless steel, foil and wax cloth covers to keep leftovers nice and fresh! Makes a salad or a sandwich the next day.

Eat More Plants

Poultry is in the top 10 most wasted foods in the UK and 100,000 tonnes of it ends up in the bin every year. Chicken salad and sandwiches are so easy to make with leftovers too! Eating more plant-based meals is good for you and the planet too. Look for locally reared meat, go for quality over quantity. Why not try adding a few more veggie side dishes to the whole meal. We love Seasonally grown veggies here at Eco Orkney.

Make food the gift 

Make the food the gift. Someone in your local area will be selling a baking bottle or gingerbread dough. What about a delicious bread, cheese and crackers, bottle of fizz or a hamper? Fair trade chocolate or coffee can be a great winner too. While everyone is feeling the pinch of increased costs, a delicious treat is a brilliant choice. 

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